
Consult information for healthcare providers

My practice combines comprehensive family medicine with focused services. During my training, I sought out additional experience in specific skillsets to enhance patient care and support fellow family physicians. By offering these focused services, I aim to enhance continuity of care and reduce referral burdens within our healthcare community. For detailed information, please email your questions to [email protected]

Ocean eReferral: Coming Soon

Specific virtual women’s health services are available now. Please fill this form for a detailed list of services.

In-person bookings will start in October 2024.


Will these referrals cause negation?
No, your referral will not cause negation at this time.
I am in the process of getting this designation and anticipate having a women’s health focused practice designation in 2025.

Please feel free to email any questions you have to [email protected].

If you’re a provider and would like more information about these services, please fill the form below to receive a detailed pdf.

If you would like more information about these services, please fill the form below.

Please note we only accept e-transfer at this time.

Member Portal

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Online submissions are a feature of our annual plans. If you're interested in accessing this service and haven't purchased an annual plan, please email [email protected] for more information.

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